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Microsoft Corporation NASDAQ MSFT7 uma empresa transnacional americana com sede em Redmond, Washington, que desenvolve, fabrica, licencia, apoia e vende softwares de computador, produtos eletrnicos, computadores e servios pessoais. Entre seus produtos de software mais conhecidos esto as linhas de sistemas operacionais. Windows, a linha de aplicativos para escritrio Office e o navegador. Internet Explorer. Entre seus principais produtos de hardware esto os consoles de videogame. Xbox, a srie de tablets. Surface e os Smartphones. Microsoft Lumia, antiga Nokia. 8 a maior produtora de softwares do mundo por faturamento,9 e uma das empresas mais valiosas do mundo. 1. A Microsoft foi fundada por Bill Gates e Paul Allen em 4 de abril de 1. BASIC para o Altair 8. A empresa posteriormente iria dominar o mercado de sistemas operacionais de computadores pessoais com o MS DOS, em meados da dcada de 1. Microsoft Windows. A oferta pblica inicial da empresa, em 1. Microsoft. considerada a terceira empresa startup de maior sucesso de todos os tempos em termos de capitalizao de mercado, receita, crescimento e impacto cultural. 1. Desde os anos 1. 99. Em maio de 2. 01. Microsoft adquiriu a Skype Technologies por 8,5 bilhes de dlares, em sua maior aquisio at aquela data. Em 2. 01. 4 tambm finalizou a compra da fabricante de celulares Nokia. 1. Em 2. 01. 4, a Microsoft dominante tanto em sistemas operacionais IBM PCs compatveis quanto em programas para escritrio este ltimo com o Office. A empresa tambm produz uma grande variedade de outros softwares para desktops e servidores e ativa em reas como pesquisa na internet com o Bing, indstria de videogames com os consoles Xbox, mercado de servios digitais atravs do MSN e de telefones celulares atravs da Nokia e do Windows Phone. Em junho de 2. 01. Microsoft entrou pela primeira vez no mercado de produo de computadores pessoais, com o lanamento do Surface, uma linha de computadores tablet. Histria. Fundao e primeiros anos. A Microsoft foi fundada em 1. Bill Gates e Paul Allen. O primeiro produto desenvolvido pela empresa foi uma verso do interpretador BASIC, para o computador Altair 8. MITS. Em 1. 97. 6 lanado o Microsoft FORTRAN, para computadores baseados em CPM. Em 1. 98. 0, a IBM planejava lanar seu computador pessoal com o sistema CPM, mas as negociaes com a Digital Research falham e a IBM procura a Microsoft para desenvolver o seu sistema operacional. Sem ter um sistema para entregar, a Microsoft acerta um contrato no exclusivo de licenciamento com a IBM e procura a Seattle Computers para comprar o seu sistema. Q DOS. Em 1. 98. Microsoft comea a desenvolver aplicaes para o Macintosh da Apple, lana o Microsoft COBOL e a planilha eletrnica Multiplan para MS DOS. No ano seguinte anuncia o Microsoft Word e o Microsoft Windows. Em 1. 98. 5 a Microsoft e a IBM assinam acordo para desenvolvimento conjunto de um futuro sistema operacional, no mesmo ano lana o Microsoft Windows 1. Em 1. 98. 7 a Microsoft compra o programa de apresentaes Power. Point e lana a planilha eletrnica Excel. Em 1. 98. 8 a Apple acusa a Microsoft de plgio sobre o seu Macintosh OS contudo este se baseia no sistema grfico do Xerox Alto com o Windows 2. True. Type. carece de fontesDcada de 1. Em 1. 99. 0 a Microsoft apresenta o Windows 3. OS2, desenvolvido com a IBM, para estaes de trabalho. Nos anos seguintes anuncia, em conjunto com outras empresas, os padres Multimdia PC, Advanced Power Management e o Plug and Play. Em 1. 99. 2 a Microsoft e a IBM encerram o acordo de cooperao e dividem o sistema desenvolvido. A IBM passa a desenvolver o OS2 4. Microsoft anuncia o Windows NT 3. Microsoft Access para Windows. carece de fontesEm 1. Windows 9. 5, um sistema operacional completo para computadores pessoais que elimina a necessidade do MS DOS. No mesmo ano lana o Internet Explorer, parte do pacote Windows 9. Plus, vendido separadamente. No ano seguinte lana o Windows NT 4. Windows 9. 5 e a segurana do Windows NT. Em 1. 99. 4, antes do lanamento do Windows 9. Por tal ato, a empresa foi multada em um milho de dlares norte americanos por dia at que cessasse as perseguies de que se referiram os pressionados. Em 1. 99. 7 a Microsoft compra a Web. TV e investe 1. 50 milhes de dlares na concorrente Apple Inc. No ano seguinte lana o Windows 9. Internet Explorer, o que levou ao incio de um processo de monoplio movido pelo governo dos Estados Unidos, processo que terminou em 2. Em 1. 99. 9 lana a segunda verso do Windows 9. SE, uma forma de contornar o erro cometido com o IE, alegando que o SO no poderia funcionar sem o IE incorporado. Esta verso trouxe algumas melhorias e aprimoramentos, mas manteve se o mesmo ncleo problemtico e instvel do Windows 9. Em 1. 99. 8, a empresa envolveu se numa disputa legal com o governo federal dos Estados Unidos a respeito do objetivo de criao e manuteno de um monoplio na rea de software. Este processo terminou com o veredito de condenao da empresa, e a imposio de novas normas de conduta para o mercado de tecnologia. As evidncias levantadas durante o julgamento contriburam para aumentar junto ao pblico a percepo de que a empresa se utilizou de prticas anticompetitivas para alcanar a posio dominante que desfruta at hoje no mercado. Muitos dos processos foram movidos por consumidores de 6. E aps o pagamento de mais de 3. Tradicionalmente, o movimento de software livre abriga os maiores crticos dos produtos Microsoft, em especial o Windows, considerado por muitos um produto instvel e inseguro, e o crescimento de solues livres como o sistema operacional GNULinux, que cresceu muito em nmero de usurios, o navegador Firefox, o servidor Apache e o conjunto de programas de escritrio Open. Office. org, sendo as maiores ameaas ao futuro dos negcios de empresa, juntando a Google e a Apple Inc., que tm crescido muito nos ltimos anos. carece de fontesSculo XXIEm fevereiro de 2. Windows 2. 00. 0, uma melhoria do Windows NT com interface mais parecida com o Windows 9. Inicialmente voltado para a corporao, existiram vrias verses como a Professional, Server, Advanced Server, Data Center Server, entre outras mais especficas como o Enterprise Server para sistemas de Grande Porte. Com a carncia de uma atualizao do ambiente domstico, em meados de outubro deste mesmo ano, entrega ao pblico o Windows Me, uma verso mais aprimorada do Windows 9. Curiosamente, em meados de 1. Microsoft estava desenvolvendo uma verso do Windows 2. Home Edition. Mas este projeto ficou engavetado e somente dois anos depois foi apresentando para o pblico como Windows XP Home Edition. carece de fontesO Windows XP foi lanado em 2. Windows 9. 59. 8Me para computadores pessoais, com o Windows NT2. No mesmo ano lana a Xbox, a seu primeiro console de videogame que ia competir com o Sony Play.


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Die Teile, die sich hneln, sind die Themen Allgemeinwissen, sprachliches Verstndnis und Mathematik. Doch der Rest lsst sich in meinen Augen nicht im Entferntesten vergleichen. Als ich mich auf die Ausbildung zum Kaufmann fr Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung beworben habe, bestand ein Groteil der Fragen auch darin, mein logisches Denkvermgen sowie meine Geografie Kenntnisse zu prfen. Einstellungstest Pdf Ausbildung In DeutschlandNun, als ich ausgelernt hatte und mich auf eine ausgeschriebene Stelle beworben habe, standen vielmehr meine Fachkenntnisse im Fokus. Ich sollte Kalkulationen erstellen und Dispositionen vornehmen. Eine Aufgabe, die ich bekam, beinhaltete sogar Zoll Ware, eine andere Aufgabe war ein Reklamationsfall. Ich wurde dahingehend auf den Prfstand gestellt, dass ich beweisen musste, dass ich nicht nur eine Ausbildung bestanden habe, sondern auch was von meinem Job verstehe und Anwenderkenntnisse habe. Allgemeinwissen Quiz Jugendarbeitsschutz Deutschland Test. Till hat eine mndliche Zusage seine Ausbildung bei einem Hotel als Hotelkaufmann beginnen zu knnen. Alles in allem wrde ich sagen, dass dies der grundlegende Unterschied ist Angehende Azubis werden dahingehend geprft, ob sie das grundstzliche Rstzeug mitbringen, um die Ausbildung gut bestehen zu knnen. Mein Tipp Die hier angebotenen Einstellungstest Trainings sind eine sehr gute Vorbereitung und haben mich letztlich auch bestehen lassen. Im Einstellungstest Festanstellung hingegen wurde meine fachliche Expertise abgefragt. Einstellungstest Pdf Ausbildung In DeutschlandEinstellungstest Pdf Ausbildung In DeutschlandAlles zur Gruppendiskussion im Assessment Center Themen, Beispiele, Strategien so berzeugen Sie die Prfer im Auswahlverfahren zur Ausbildung Sicher zur Ausbildung Bewerbung, Einstellungstest, Eignungstest, Vorstellungsgesprch, Assessment Center, Erfahrungsberichte. Alles zur Bewerbung und Ausbildung bei der Polizei Einstellungstest, Berufsbild, Anschreiben, Lebenslauf, Erfahrungsberichte. Um hier bestehen zu knnen, hat mir ein Blick in meine alten Berufsschulunterlagen geholfen. Hier habe ich nochmal einige Gesetze und Bestimmungen nachgelesen. Von der Gro und Auenhandelskauffrau zur VertriebsleitungIch persnlich bin nie davon ausgegangen, spter einmal als Fhrungskraft arbeiten zu knnen, schlielich hatte ich einen Realschulabschluss und nicht wie viele meiner Nachbarinnen das Abitur und ein abgeschlossenes BWL Studium. Ich wollte eine solide, zukunftstrchtige Ausbildung machen und diese erfolgreich abschlieen. Was im Einstellungstest Ausbildung drankam Textaufgaben, ein Englischtest und viele Fragen zur Wirtschaft. Ich wurde nach meiner Ausbildung bernommen und habe mich gefreut, eine Stelle im Vertrieb annehmen zu drfen. Nur wenig spter bot man mir die Mglichkeit, bei einem innerbetrieblichen Assessment Center mitzumachen weil noch ein Platz frei war. Ich fand das damals sehr spannend und war wirklich berrascht, welche Flle an Einstellungstests es gab. Da ich mich ja ohnehin nicht aktiv beworben hatte, war es fr mich ein Training, eine bung die allerdings mein berufliches Leben verndern sollte. Nur drei Tage spter wurde ich ins Bro des Geschftsfhrers gerufen. Ich hatte richtig Bammel, war mir aber keiner Schuld bewusst. Er teilte mir mit, dass ich herausragende Leistungen im Assessment Center gezeigt htte. Dann bot er mir an, Vertriebs Trainee zu werden, mit der Option, anschlieend die Vertriebsleitung zu bernehmen. Knapp zwei Jahre spter bin ich nun genau auf diesem Posten gelandet. Zum Vergleich der Einstellungstests wrde ich sagen Im Einstellungstest Ausbildung gehts um gute schulische Qualifikationen bzw. Wissen. Im Assessment Center ging es um Berufspraxis und Persnlichkeit. Der Personalreferent besttigt Im Einstellungstest Ausbildung gehts um das passende Rstzeug. Vieles kann ein Personalreferent mit Blick auf die Bewerbungsunterlagen sehen. Einstellungstest Pdf Ausbildung In DeutschlandWenn sich also jemand fr die Ausbildung zur Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin bewirbt und in Englisch, Franzsisch und Spanisch nur 4er hat, wrde er dieser Bewerberin wohl absagen. Wie aber soll ein Personalreferent mit Blick auf ein Zeugnis mit Ziffernoten sagen, ob der Bewerber ein gutes Allgemeinwissen hat oder sich nur grndlich in den Lernfchern vorbereitet und anschlieend wieder alles vergisst. Wie soll der Personalreferent prfen, wie es um die Merkfhigkeiten eines Bewerbers bestellt ist auer im Einstellungstest. Der Personalreferent bringt diese Beispiele so auf den Punkt Der Einstellungstest Ausbildung hilft mir dabei, die kognitive und soziale Grundlage des Bewerbers zu erfassen. Das hilft mir insofern, als dass ich so besser abschtzen kann, ob er eine Chance hat, die Ausbildung, auf die er sich bewirbt, auch erfolgreich zu bestehen. Beim Einstellungstest Festanstellung ist der Ansatz ein ganz anderer. Hierbei geht es um fachliche und praktische Kenntnisse. Und das bedeutet, dass ein Bewerber mehr als nur eine gute Allgemeinbildung haben muss, um die Stelle zu ergattern. Um sich etwas vom theoretischen Konstrukt des Einstellungstests zu lsen, setzen immer mehr Betriebe auf Assessment Center, die strker praktisch ausgerichtet sind und mit Hilfe von Rollenspielen, bungen, Prsentationen und Diskussionen die praktische Kompetenz der Bewerber aufzeigen sollen. Das quivalent im handwerklichen Bereich ist brigens der Probearbeitstag, der hier angemessener erscheint, als der Businessansatz im Assessment Center, erklrt der Personalreferent. Die Vorbereitung auf den Einstellungstest Ausbildung und den Job Einstellungstest. Die Basics sind berall gleich Es geht darum, sich im Allgemeinwissen, in Deutsch, Mathematik und diversen Denkanstzen zu beweisen, die berufs und branchenbedingt einmal einen strkeren Fokus auf das logische Denken legen oder auf andere Schwerpunkte. ABER Personalreferenten berichten ebenso wie Betroffene selbst davon, dass die Praxiskenntnisse mit Blick auf den Einstellungstest Festanstellung einen greren Stellenwert einnehmen. Das heit, dass von ausgelernten Fachkrften auch tendenziell mehr erwartet wird als die reine Theorie. Die rein theoretische Vorbereitung funktioniert mit den hier erwerbbaren Einstellungstests sehr gut. Eine Quote von 9. Prozent zeigt den Erfolg, den diejenigen haben, die mit den hier verfgbaren bungsmaterialien trainieren. Fr die praktische Vorbereitung ist die Untersttzung durch einen Sparring Partner in jedem Fall von Vorteil. Wer eine Prsentation einbt, eine Diskussion trainiert oder eine andere bung mit Praxisbezug durchfhrt, muss sich Feedback dazu einholen. Idealerweise hilft hier ein Familienmitglied oder ein guter Freund aus. Alternativ knnen Sie auch Ihre praktischen bungen via Handy als Video aufzeichnen. Sehen Sie sich das Video anschlieend an und achten Sie auf Gestik, Mimik, Sprache und Ihre Krperhaltung. Nur so knnen Sie herausfinden, ob Sie auch praktisch im Einstellungstest bestehen knnten.


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Card. 10. 0. 0. 06. Chemical and physical data. Formula. C1. 8H2. Proteins are amino acids that are essential for our bodies to function properly. But how much do we need, and should we consume more Heard the hype about intermittent fasting to lose weight Get all the information you need to know from this revealing Eat Stop Eat review before buying. Nursing Intervention For Diabetes Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis The 3 Step Trick that Reverses Diabetes Permanently in As Little as 11 Days. NURSING. O2. Molar mass. 27. D model JSmolOC4CC2CHCH1. CCC3CHOCCCH3CH1. CC2CCC4. In. Ch. Biology For Bodybuilders Pdf FreeI1. SC1. 8H2. 6O2c. H,2 9. H2,1. H3t. YKey NPAGDVCDWIYMMC IZPLOLCNSA N Y NY what is this  verifyNandrolone is an injectedanabolicandrogenic steroid AAS which is used medically in the form of esters such as nandrolone decanoate brand name Deca Durabolin and nandrolone phenylpropionate brand name Durabolin. 1224 They are not active by mouth, and must be administered via intramuscular injection. 4 When administered in this way, they form a depot from which they are slowly released, and hence have a long duration of action. Nandrolone esters are prodrugs, and are rapidly hydrolyzed into nandrolone once in the circulation. Medical useseditNandrolone esters are used clinically, although increasingly rarely, for people in catabolic states with major burns, cancer, and AIDS, and an ophthalmological formulation was available to support cornea healing. 5 1. Non medical useseditNandrolone esters are used for physique and performance enhancing purposes by competitiveathletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters. 6PharmacologyeditPharmacodynamicseditThe positive effects of the drug include muscle growth, appetite stimulation and increased red blood cell production,medical citation needed and bone density. 7 Clinical studies have shown it to be effective in treating anemia, osteoporosis and some forms of neoplasia including breast cancer, and also acts as a progestin based contraceptive. Unlike testosterone and certain other AAS, nandrolone is not potentiated in androgenic tissues like the scalp, skin, and prostate, and hence, deleterious effects in these tissues are lessened to a degree. 8 This is because nandrolone is metabolized by 5 reductase to the much weaker androgen 5 dihydronandrolone DHN, which has both reduced affinity for the androgen receptor AR relative to nandrolone in vitro and weaker androgenic activity in vivo. 8 The lack of alkylation on the 1. Estrogen effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also reduced due to lessened enzyme interaction,9 but effects such as gynaecomastia and reduced libido may still occur at sufficiently high doses. Other side effects of high doses of nandrolone can include erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular damage, as well as several ailments resulting from the drugs effect of lowering levels of luteinizing hormone through negative feedback. Erectile dysfunction is attributed to the weaker action of DHN in the penis since dihydrotestosterone DHT is a known sexual modulator. medical citation neededIn addition to its androgenic activity, unlike many other AAS, nandrolone is also a potent progestogen. 1. It binds to the progesterone receptor with approximately 2. The progestogenic activity of nandrolone may serve to augment its antigonadotropic effects,1. Anabolic and androgenic activityeditNandrolone has a very high ratio of anabolic to androgenic activity. 1. In fact, nandrolone like AAS like nandrolone itself and trenbolone are said to have among the highest ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect of all AAS. 1. This is attributed to the fact that, whereas testosterone is potentiated via conversion into dihydrotestosterone DHT in androgenic tissues, the opposite is true with nandrolone and similar AAS i. As such, nandrolone like AAS, namely nandrolone esters, are the most frequently used AAS in clinical settings in which anabolic effects are desired for instance, in the treatment of AIDS associated cachexia, severe burns, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 1. However, AAS with a very high ratio of anabolic to androgenic action like nandrolone still have significant androgenic effects and can produce symptoms of virilization like hirsutism and voice deepening in women and children with extended use. 1. PharmacokineticseditMetabolismeditNandrolone is metabolized by the enzyme. Metabolites of nandrolone include 5 dihydronandrolone, 1. Chemistryedit. Nandrolone, with the differences from testosterone highlighted in red. The methyl group in testosterone at the C1. C1. 7 position is where esters are attached to nandrolone. Nandrolone, also known as 1. NT or as estrenolone, as well as estra 4 en 1. It is specifically the C1. Nandrolone esters have an ester such as decanoate or phenylpropionate attached at the C1. DerivativeseditA variety of esters of nandrolone have been marketed and used medically. 12 The most commonly used esters are nandrolone decanoate and to a lesser extent nandrolone phenylpropionate. Examples of other nandrolone esters include nandrolone cyclohexylpropionate, nandrolone cypionate, nandrolone hexyloxyphenylpropionate, nandrolone laurate, nandrolone sulfate, and nandrolone undecanoate. 126Anabolic steroidseditNandrolone is the parent compound of a large group of AAS. Notable examples include the non 1. R 1. 88. 1, as well as the 1. THG. The following is list of derivatives of nandrolone that have been developed as AAS 6ProgestinseditNandrolone, together with ethisterone 1. This family is subdivided into two groups the estranes and the gonanes. 1. The estranes include norethisterone norethindrone, norethisterone acetate, norethisterone enanthate, lynestrenol, etynodiol diacetate, and noretynodrel, while the gonanes include norgestrel, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, etonogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate, dienogest actually a 1. SynthesiseditThe elaboration of a method for the reduction of aromatic rings to the corresponding dihydrobenzenes under controlled conditions by A. J. Birch opened a convenient route to compounds related to the putative 1. This reaction, now known as the Birch reduction,2. Initial reaction constituents of 1,4 dimetalation of the most electron deficient positions of the aromatic ringin the case of an estrogen, the 1 and 4 positions. Rxn of the intermediate with the proton source leads to a dihydrobenzene a special virtue of this sequence in steroids is the fact that the double bind at 2 is in effect becomes an enol ether moiety. Treatment of this product 2 with weak acid, oxalic acid for e. Hydrolysis under more strenuous conditions mineral acids results in migrationconjugation of the olefin to yield nandrolone 4. Treatment of 4 with decanoic anhydride and pyridine affords nandrolone decanoate. 2. Acylation of 4 with phenylpropionyl chloride yields nandrolone phenpropionate. 2.


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Special 1. Nestler Special New in case, Nestler Multimath Duplex rule set, including both the 5. See items numbered 4. The special includes these two rules with their cases for 1. Nestler rules Elemath RS item 3. Elemath Log Log item 3. Darmstadt item 4. Electro item 4. 37. Nestler made some very nice rules. 83 Calculator Edition Graphic Instrument Plus Silver Texas TiThese. would be great for personal use, collection, or as a gift. Special 2. Free bonus rules with your order of any two or more items from this list of over 1. I have many rules not shown here. One or more of them will be included with your. 83 Calculator Edition Graphic Instrument Plus Silver Texas TiThe larger the order, the greater the number of free, bonus. The largest orders will include the more unusual rules. I  have many more items coming in regularly. So if you have any. Also, there are multiples of some items so if you. All items come with a money back guarantee. If. you are not happy with anything, for any reason, you may return it for a refund. Discounts are available for larger orders. Thanks for your interest. Have fun. Feel free to call 6. Dick Rose A2. 60. Ridgefield Rd. Kalamazoo, MI 4. Slide Rules    Arranged. A, B, C, D. E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. N, O, P, R, S, T, U, W. XBooks on Slide Rules, Calculators Catalogs. Calculators, Mechanical. Artillery Rules. Drafting and Related Equipment. Planimeters. CalculatorsSelectors, Slide Rule Type. Aviation RulesCalculators. Other Instruments 1. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L. White. plastic. Narrow rule. Magnifying cursor. Good condition, just a few light scratches and a. Acu Math A 8. 0 5 inch rule in leather case. Scales K, A B, S, T, C D, DI, and. L, C2, C1 DI, D2, D. White. on magnesium. Overall, 7 12 inches long and 1 12 inches wide. Very good condition, just. Green leather slip case in very good. Acu Math 1. 50 1. Scales LL0. 1, K, A B, T, ST, S D, L, LL1. LL0. 2, LL0. 3, DF CF, CIF, CI, C D, LL3, LL2. White plastic. Good. Tan leather slip case, solid, but dirty. Acu Math 4. 00 1. Scales S, K, A B, CI, C D, L, T. White plastic. Clear, plastic, frameless cursor. Marked Mannheim. Made in the U. S. A. Several available. Acu Math 5. 00 1. Scales S, K, A B, CI, C D, L, T. Equivalents on the back. Heavy white plastic with. Very good condition. Instruction booklet, guarantee, parts list, and. The box is slightly scrunched and. Acu Math 5. 11 Excellent, 1. Mannheim Professional rule, with case. Scales S, K, A B, CI, C D, L, T. White laminate on magnesium. Made in U. S. A. Frameless plastic cursor. Equivalents on the back of the rule. Includes, Acu Math Self Teaching Instruction Manual, Mannheim Type Slide Rule tan leather. The box has a little shelf wear. The rest is excellent. Others. available. 7. Acu Math 1. 21. 1 5 inch, narrow rule, in case. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L, and. S, T. White on magnesium. Plastic cursor with two. Very good condition, as is the red leather slip. Acu Math 1. 24. 0 5 inch rule in case. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L. White plastic. Very good condition. Blue leather slip case, marked Posey Iron Works, Lancaster, PA. Acumath Mannheim Manual Acumath Self Teaching Instruction Manual, Mannheim Type. Slide Rule. 1. 1 page brochure. Acu Rule 1. 0 1. Scales A. B, CI, C D, K. White paint on light colored wood. Almost new condition. Equivalents. tables on the back. Labeled Festus Mfg. Co., Festus, Mo. Looks like a Lawrence Engineering. Box is red, white and black, marked Acu Rule No. One box end missing. Instruction sheet, in very good condition, copyright 1. Allegheny Plastics 4 14 inch circular rule, with instructions. Scales K, D. C, B A CI L. White plastic. Decimalfraction equivalents on the back. Marked Reco. Products Div., Recony Corp. Instructions well worn. The rule itself in very good. American Blueprint Military Rule 1. Military Slide Rule in case. Various. scales for artillery, plus CI, C, D, and A scales. White laminate on mahogany. Angle chart. on the back has some worn spots, otherwise the rule is in good condition. The brown. leather flip top case is solid but worn. Aristo unusual 1. Scales K, A B, CI. C D, L, and, on the back of the slide, sin, sintg, tg. White plastic. No actual manufacturers label on the rule itself. The casebox is. marked Aristo. Could this be the first Aristo rule that Dennert Pape made, after. Aristo The wooden clam shell box is covered in a. The rule is in good condition. The case is in only fair condition. Very. interesting set. Aristo 8. 9 New in box, 5 inch, with case, box, and instructions. Scales K, A. B, CI, C D, L, and, on the back of the slide, S, ST, T. White plastic. Brown leather case. Both the back of the rule and the case are. Martonair. Instruction sheet. Yellow, black, red, and white external box. Everything is new. Others, with variations, available, mostly almost new. 1. Aristo 9. 9 New in box, 1. German, and outer box. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L, and, on the back of the slide, S. ST, T. 2. 8 mm scale on the top beveled edge, which is clear. The rest of the rule is white. Two tone gray, hard plastic case with a slot for the Aristo 1. Instructions in German. Yellow, black, red and while. Everything is new. Others, with variations, available. 1. Aristo 9. 9K 1. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L, and, on the back of the. S, ST, T. 2. 8 cm scale on the top beveled edge. White plastic. Marked System. Rietz, Dennert Pape, Hamburg Altona. Good condition. Another available. 1. Aristo 1. 09 2. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L, and, on the back. S, ST, T. 5. 0 cm scale on the tope beveled edge. White plastic. Two cursors one metal framed, 1 58 inches wide, and one 3 inches. Marked with equivalents and Dennert Pape, Hamburg on the back. Two piece, gray. Everything in very good condition. Aristo 1. 09 2. Scales K, A B, CI, C D, L, and, on the back of the. S, ST, T. 5. 0 cm scale on the tope beveled edge. White plastic. 3 inch wide cursor. In the slide well, marked Dennert Pape. Hamburg Altona. Some dirt, chips, and cracks, but an OK example. Aristo 8. 03 5 inch rule. Scales L, K, A B, CI, C D, S, ST, T. White plastic. with yellow highlighted scales. Excellent condition. Another available. 2. Aristo 8. 10 New in box, 4 inch Puck rule with case, instructions, and outer box. Scales A B, CI, C D, K, and, on the back of the slide, S, L, T. Rule is less than 1 inch wide. White plastic. Instructions and. German. Yellow outer box. Everything new. 2. Aristo 8. 12 5 inch Simplex rule in case. Scales A B, C D, and, on the back of. S, L, T. 1. 3 cm scale on the top beveled edge. Marked Igema on the back. Brown. leather slip case. Very good condition. Aristo 8. 15, Elektro New in box, 5 inch Elektro rule with case, instructions in. German and box. Scales K, A B, BI, CI, C D, DM, V, and, on the back of the slide. S, ST, L, T. 1. 5 cm scale on the top beveled edge. Additional inch scale on the bottom. Both edges are clear plastic as in the back strip though which to read the. The rest of the rule is white plastic. Brown leather slip. Yellow, black, red, and white outer box. Instructions in German. Everything is new. Ti. 84 Calculators. OVERVIEW The following is an overview of the Shipping. Pass Pilot subscription service. You should review the Terms Conditions for a more detailed description as well as service limitations prior to signing up for Shipping. Pass. What is Shipping. Pass and how will it make my life easier You told us what you wanted and now were delivering it. Shipping. Pass is our new subscription program designed to bring you unlimited 2 day free shipping for one year with no minimum order. Get what you need fastHow much does Shipping. Pass cost Its just 4. Start your free trial now. ELIGIBLE ITEMSWhat products can I order using Shipping. 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Bluetooth Hacking Software For Pc

var q bluetoothhackingsoftwareforpcWith Kali Linux, hacking becomes much easier since you have all the tools youll ever need. This tutorial will get you started on your journey of hacking with Kali Linux. Homebrew is a term frequently applied to video games or other software produced by consumers to target proprietary hardware platforms usually with hardware. How to Send Web Pages From Your Phone to Your PCIt isnt hard to go from reading an article on your phone to reading it on your laptop. All you need to do is remember where you found it, right But searching for something you already have in front of you is redundant, especially since companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple all have ways to take whats on your phone and bring it to your desktop in an instant. Chances are, with a few settings tweaks, you can enable the feature right now. Microsofts Continue on PC is Device Agnostic. The companys new Continue on PC feature is a site sharing tool for both Android and i. OS devices. It exists as an app that lives in your devices share sheet, the icon that lets you perform actions like sharing images, sites, or messages to social media services or other apps. Hit your share icon, select Continue on PC and watch the page youre looking at appear on the corresponding screen. You can download Continue on PC in the App Store. Youll need to sign in with the same account you use on your PC. You can link your phone to your PC by visiting Settings Phone. After you link the two devices and install the app, you can choose to continue now which opens up your PC browser, or later which places the link of your choice in your Windows 1. Action Center, the operating systems notification tray. If you dont have an offsite cloud storage plan and you really should, Googles newest update toRead more Readi. I wanted to listen in on some bluetooth at my local Starbucks but the antenna range on most bluetooth dongles is so short. so i had to increase the range Here is. Over the past decade, Bluetooth has become almost the default way for billions of devices to exchange data over short distances, allowing PCs and tablets to transfer. Fun discoveries about Mazda 6 Hacking A few months ago I bought. OS Users Can Use the Built In Handoff Feature. With i. OS you can send whatever site youre looking at on your i. OS device to your Mac using Handoff, one of Apples Continuity features that syncs compatible apps between Mac and i. OS devices. If youre on an i. OS device and looking at some webpage or are using a supported app like Messages, Safari, or Bear, youll see the corresponding icon appear in your dock, letting you leave your phone alone and access it from your Mac. Even when using Safari on my i. Phone, Handoff uses whatever default app I designate, making Chrome my go to browser on the desktop. Youll have to jump through a few hoops like turning Bluetooth on and signing in with i. Cloud to get Handoff working, but once its up and running youll be able to see every supported i. OS app in your Macs dock, ready to help you continue doing what youre doing. You can enable Handoff in your i. OS device by going to Settings General Handoff. You can do the same on your Mac by opening System Preferences General, and checking the Allow Handoff option. Google Chrome Supports Tab Syncing. If youd rather keep your contents cross pollination strictly to the web, Googles got your back. Signing into Chrome with your Google account enables a variety of syncing features, keeping your browser history, extensions, and login information accessible in nearly every iteration of Google Chrome though extensions dont work on Android or i. OS devices. If youre looking at a piece of news or checking the menu of some restaurant on your phone, you can plop down in front of your PC or Mac, open the History tab with Y or CTRL Y, and see the tabs and history of your other synced devices. You can do the same on mobile devices, which will list your synced devices and the last visited sites so you can resume your browsing. A history of hacking and hackers. During the early 9. US government decided to crack down on criminal computer crimes in a series of raids dubbed Operation Sundevil. The raids were carried out by the US Secret Service working alongside local police and telecoms engineers and targeted bulletin boards now more often called forums that were engaged in blatant and open credit card fraud and telephone code abuse. When two Bluetooth devices establish a communications channel, they both create an initialization key. A passkey or Personal Identification Number is input and the. By submitting your personal information, you agree that Tech. Target and its partners may contact you regarding relevant content, products and special offers. You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. The people involved in such illicit activity mostly fitted a very narrow subset of society teenagers and young adults from middle class suburban homes. They had the disposable income to acquire what was at the time cutting edge general purpose computing technology and had access to modems extremely slow in the age of todays broadband, but life changing technology at the time. The modems allowed them to connect to the internet and the fledging World Wide Web and form cliques on those bulletin boards to engage in a range of activities not all of them legal. Although Sundevil was far from the only anti hacking law enforcement activity of the time, it is interesting because it went on to create much of the image of the hacker in popular culture. The 1. 99. 5 film Hackers features a teenage character targeted in an investigation by doughnut munching federal agents. His suburban bedroom, where one of his floppy disks was hidden, was raided. That film also captured many other aspects of hacker culture, such as the hacking of old analogue telephone networks, known as phreaking, to gain free calls, and the habit of hackers to study, and share, treasure troves of technical information from large companies, such as the so called Crayola Books shown off by the characters. Now, many of the hackers of yesteryear are todays information security or cyber security professionals, who work to protect information. The dated cultural view of the elite criminal hacker has fallen in to stereotype and myth over the decades and been overtaken by leaps of technological progress, where general purpose computing is in every home, and smartphones bring connectivity to people of every background, culture, and age. In this new landscape, newer generations of hackers are often cutting their teeth against hardened computer systems, now armed with antivirus, firewalls, and more sophisticated protections, rather than the hapless, insecure, networks of the 8. At the same time, the hacker community the majority of whom have no criminal intentions has developed its capabilities, with techniques and tools previously the domain of skilled hackers now open sourced to those with merely an inclination, not necessarily a desire to master and exploit technologies in the way hackers do. The UKs focus on a code economy has resulted in an army of citizens with coding skills of various levels, capable of taking these tools and repurposing them for novel uses. This has manifested in the emergence of hacktivists, who rely on volume and PR over technical excellence. They are not hardened criminals, but motivated by political ideologies. As protestors, they tend to not worry greatly about concealing their actions. Those who associate with the Anonymous group of hacktivists are of this type, and some of them have ended up with criminal records as a result of the damage their actions have caused in the same way as protestors involved in vandalising real world institutions. On the other end of the spectrum, the wider prevalence of coding skills has also resulted in project managed crime criminal enterprises that shadow conventional IT business practices, but develop software for criminal use by others. Ransomware, that holds a users sensitive data on that computer to ransom by withholding an encryption code, are often designed by teams of professional criminals, including developers, testers, and project management staff. The now infamous ransomware Wanna. Cry, which hit the NHS in May 2. Wanna. Cry was developed from the tools of an intelligence agency, the US National Security Agency, that were intended to protect national security, but repurposed for other uses, rather than the tools of the hacking community. Personal motivations. Less so than a hacker mindset, the drivers for computer criminality now come more from the personal motivations of all people with access to technology that is, almost everybody in our digital society. In higher education in the UK, we have observed that the primary motivator is not necessarily a drive for technical excellence, but more typical motivators of crimes such as revenge. Two typical cases illustrate this in one, a student committed an attack against an institution because he did not like the way they responded to his reports of a mugging on campus, while in another, a member of staff attacked their institution based on their previous dismissal. IT crime is now an outlet for criminal intent of all stripes no longer the preserve of a technical elite. There has been a transition from the black hat hackers, technical wizards, and studious technophiles, of older decades, to anyone who simply has the inclination to abuse the digital ecosystem. A security professionals view on criminal hacking has shifted away from the traditional stereotype of the hacker, towards a much more diverse cross section of wider society. As with all forecasting, outdated or prejudiced thinking will ultimately lead to poor outcomes. Understanding criminal activities the business of threat intelligence is a mandatory practice in effective information security services. By pooling the combined knowledge of our members universities, colleges and research centres, we can develop intelligence that is both unique to academias problems and comprehensive in scope, evolving and adapting to the ever changing landscape of criminal activities to not only better understand how it has changed, but also to proactively meet future threats as efficiently and effectively as possible. One of the many challenges we have at Jisc, a not for profit that provides UK universities and colleges with shared digital infrastructure and services, is developing intelligence from our data to understand the motivations of those who bring harm upon the UKs educational institutions. With every new attempted attack, we gain a better understanding of tools used, can observe trends in malicious behaviour, and can better identify areas in the community where we work that are most vulnerable. This, in turn, helps us develop and enhance cutting edge security services that better serve our members.


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Drivers Panel Blender Tutorial

var q driverspanelblendertutorialLinux vs Windows A detailed comparison between Ubuntu And Windows. Linux vs Windows has been a subject of debate since the inception of computers. This article highlights the pros and cons of both the operating systems, given a set of requirements, it also attempts to show you which OS would be best suited for you. I have made an attempt to write this article without much tech laden jargon, so for those of you are not very computer savvy, it will help you make informed decisions. For this article, I will be comparing Windows 7 and Ubuntu 1. The most popular Linux distribution. We will be comparing the operating systems from an average users perspective and not that of a  systems administrator. Let me begin with an introduction of the Linux operating system as I imagine many of you must be pretty new to this. In fact, a common misconception is that Linux is ridiculously complicated. While I admit getting used to Linux may take a while for an average windows user, it is definitely easy to use. Linux comes in various flavours, also known as distributions. The most popular Linux distribution is Ubuntu, pronounced as oo boon tu. Drivers Panel Blender TutorialDrivers Panel Blender TutorialYou may notice that there are more screenshots of Ubuntu than  Windows 7, since I presume that everyone reading this would already be familiar with Windows 7. So lets being the comparison 1 Look and feel Here is the home screen of  windows 7 and Ubuntu 1. Drivers Panel Blender TutorialSince the look and feel is a personal choice, I leave it up to you to decide which is better. Personally, I try not to pay attention to the looks of the operating system so much as the functionality and the features. Bundled software Windows 7 by default has very minimal software set, the basic features that we need word processor, spread sheet and a presentation software are not present. Youll have to purchase and install the MS Office suite separately, this is something that should be bundled with the operating system. The question I ask is What good is an operating system, if it doesnt provide the basic featuresOn the other hand  Ubuntu 1. Libre. Office suite a Microsoft Office Equivalent preinstalled. It also has F spot, an image editing program that and an Instant messaging client called Empathy that has chat provisioning for Facebook, G Talk, Yahoo,MSN and VOIP capabilities all under a single application. Drivers One of the biggest advantages of Linux is its built in driver set, or rather the ability of automatically downloading and installing them. This includes the drivers for your webcam, Wi Fi, Ethernet Card, even your printer or scannerExplore the world of Mac. Check out the MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook, iMac, and more. Visit the Apple site to learn, buy, and get support. We all know drivers is a big pain that comes when completing a fresh install of Windows 7. With Linux, there is rarely any need to download the drivers manually. Linux also has the ability to download proprietary drivers The ones from Nvidia and ATI, unlike windows where we have to manually download and install a driver for everything. I have a Dell XPS 15 9530 that has a Synaptics clickpad. Ive tried tinkering with many settings and different DellSynaptics drivers, but theres always some. Linux vs Windows. Compare the two operating systems from an average users perspective. Find out the pros and cons of Linux and Windows. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. I have a local testdevelopment server http, of course, listening to port 8000, Im working on Linux, so to test the page on IE678 etc I run a virtual machine. The Nokia 5110 is a basic graphic LCD screen for lots of applications. It was originally intended to be used as a cell phone screen. This one is mounted on. Drivers Panel Blender TutorialMedia Windows comes with Windows media player, which is pretty much useless without codecs, as majority of the videosmovies that we watch require codecs like Xvid. So there is a need to download a codec pack before Windows media player becomes fully functional. Ubuntu is bundled with Movie Player, and also requires downloading codecs. However, in both the operating systems, it is very easy to watch videos by simply installing VLC media player. Installing third party software When it comes to installing third party software, the steps required to install a software in Ubuntu is considerably less. An illustration is shown here of installing software in Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a utility called Ubuntu software centre. This is one of the most loved features by Ubuntu users. It is as simple as installing an app in your phone from i. Tunes store or Android Market now rebranded to Google Play. Just select the software that you need, hit install, and the software is ready to use. It is clear from the screen shots, that installing software in Ubuntu is a lot simpler than it is in windows. Moreover, Ubuntu will check for any dependencies that the software needs and it will be installed automatically. However, an argument can be made for computers that dont have internet access, ease of installing software in Windows outmatches as that of Ubuntu, as it is viewed a very complicated process that includes the terminal command line interface. Although, it is very unlikely that someone will be without internet access these days. Minimum Requirements Windows 7 requires a minimum of 1. Mhz processor with 1. GB of RAM, while Ubuntu requires a minimum of 7. Mhz processor with 3. MB RAM. While these are the official requirements, in practice, the requirements are considerably higher. From my experience, If you install both the operating systems on identical hardware, Ubuntus performance is significantly higher than that of Windows 7. In fact, if you were to pull out a 7 year old computer from a junkyard, Ubuntu will work flawlessly. Moreover, the boot time of Ubuntu is considerably less than its Windows 7 counterpart. Ever wondered why the worlds fastest computer runs Linux and not WindowsSecurity I have been using Windows since windows the days of Windows 9. I can tell you that Windows 7 has some pretty good security features that, if implemented properly, can give you quite a secure system to work with. Its firewall has advanced features that you can configure. However, there are many who believe that Windows still remains a weak operating system from a security standpoint. Linux on the other hand, has always been a secure operating system since the early days. It has often been the subject of debate that an open source operating system cannot be as secure as a proprietary one, but Linux has proved  that belief to be untrue. Overall, I believe that Linux offers much more security by default. Access Privileges    Linux by default does not run as a root the Windows administrator equivalent This ensures that any automated program or script cannot make changes to the system without explicit privileges from the user. Although Windows has implemented a similar mechanism called User Account Control or UAC, Which does provide good protection although not as robust as Linux does. Viruses Viruses and other malware continue to be a constant headache for windows users. Combating viruses is not only time consuming, but also expensive when we talk about using Windows in a large scale production environment. Moreover, there is always a need to purchase expensive antivirus software with yearly subscriptions, punching additional holes in your pocket. Linux on the other hand has significantly less number of viruses, so you are considerable less likely to get infected. In fact, I am yet to hear this from a friend or a fellow systems administrator, that they are using Linux, and that it has been infectedOverall Security Overall,  I believe that Linux will always be much more secure than Windows operating system given the fact that its open source. It would interest you to know that there is something called as the Linus Law named after the creator of the Linux kernel Linus Torvalds, which states given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. In simple terms it means given a large number of developers and beta testers, every problem will be identified quickly and that the solution of that problem will be obvious to someone.   I completely agree with this.


Flash Game Source Code Actionscript 3

var q flashgamesourcecodeactionscript3Getting started with Flash Platform game development. Prerequisite knowledge. No specific experience is required, only an interest in designing and developing games using Flash technologies. Note The primary target audience for this article is Flash designers, people new to the Flash runtimes, and business decision makers evaluating the Flash runtimes for game development. This article also includes useful information for experienced Action. Script developers looking to get into Flash game development. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home. Play and Load Sounds in Flash Using ActionScript 3. 0. Adobe Flash is a deprecated multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich Internet applications, desktop applications, mobile applications. Heres some snippets from an animated music video I created for a satirical website in back in 2016 featuring a certain US president at the time just a. Win KBC game by playing online KBC 7 web game. This is an web game for TV show Kaun Banega Crorepati KBC 7 hosted by Amitabh Bhacchan. Win 5 crores by answering 13. However, for game specific advanced Action. Script programming techniques, I recommend Gary Rosenzweigs book Action. Script 3. 0 Game Programming University. Flash gamesgames created with or for the Adobe Flash runtimesare everywhere. You can find them on game arcade sites such as Newgrounds. Addicting. Games. There are dozens of game genres to choose from, including action, adventure, casino, puzzle, and role playing, among others. The games are interactive, cross browser, and cross platform users can play them on personal computers as well as mobile devices. They work great as standalone destinations, they make excellent additions to larger sites, and they can be embedded into the most popular social networks such as Facebook. Flash Game Source Code Actionscript 3Many people still do not know that using Adobe AIR technology, Flash games can be deployed on i. OS devices through the Apple App Store. Top performers such as Alien Hominid and Line Rider have grown so popular that they have been ported from the Flash runtimes to consoles such as Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 3. Flash Game Source Code Actionscript 3Flash Game Source Code Actionscript 3Online casual games are booming in popularity and Adobe Flash technologies offer tools to create and deploy this great content. For more than a decade, I have been designing and developing online games. I have collaborated on massive worlds with thousands of simultaneous users. At my start, there were many viable development platforms, including the powerful but difficult to use C platform. Over the years, the Flash technologies tools became easier to use and Adobe Flash Player evolved as well. Now Flash technology is the de facto environment for creating online 2. D games. With the release of Adobe Creative Suite 5. Flash community is moving compelling content to mobile phones, tablets, and Internet enabled televisions. And with the release of Stage. D formerly known as the Molehill APIs, the Flash runtimes may be the leading choice for online and mobile 3. D gaming as well. In this article, I will provide an overview of the potential in online gaming, showcase the capabilities of the Flash runtimes, and review the challenges and solutions for end to end game development. The game industry has grown steadily for decades, and it has a very brighter future. But with so many gaming technologies, you may be wondering if Flash technologies are the right choice. Games are serious business. Online gaming became popular in the 1. As computers have become more powerful and Internet access speeds have increased, the industry has grown significantly see Figure 1. The online gaming market research company DFC Intelligence predicts even more increases for casual games in 2. PC based as opposed to video game consoles3. Approximately 35 billion of 2. Flash technologies. Americans spent more than 3 billion in video game subscription fees last year. A report by market research firm Pike Fischer estimates that Americans will spend 5 billion annually by 2. According to the Gartner research firm, global mobile gaming revenue from end users increased by 1. Juniper Research says mobile game revenues will surpass 1. The mobile gaming trend also ushers in a return to the simple, addictive gameplay of 1. Atari games. This is enabling lower budget games created by individuals and small teams to be financially successful. The business potential within computer and mobile game development is vast and growing dramatically. Flash Player history. Flash Player is everywhere, but its not the only game in town. Historically, when high performance was needed, online games were created with powerful technologies, including C, Java, and Shockwave 3. Das well as Torque and Unity. While game developers who target other plug ins have to hope their users have the patience to download the necessary player, Flash runtimes developers can count on their users already having Flash Player. Adobe Flash Player is the worlds most pervasive software, reaching 9. Internet enabled desktops in mature markets as well as a wide range of devices. More than 3 million developers and designers use Flash technologies to create, distribute, and monetize rich Internet applications and content across leading web and mobile platforms. With Adobe Creative Suite, developers can also count on smooth integration of art, sound, and code within one environment. Flash Player 1. 0 has more features than ever, and so too do the development environments, Flash Builder and Flash Professional. With each new release, they become more useful and easier to use. The versatility of the software has contributed to its speedy adoption in interactive agencies since the early 2. An artist illustrates game menus and background art using Flash Professional. An animator animates walk cycles, explosions, and whatever else is needed. A developer can code an entire project using Flash Builder or Flash Professional as well, easily integrating the native assets from colleagues. Of course, Photoshop, Illustrator, and other specialized tools are available for many roles as well, and because they are all part of Adobe Creative Suite, asset integration continues to be a snap. Once only a playground for single player experiences, Flash technology can now be used to create robust worlds with thousands of users. Since Flash Player 6, Flash has featured the socket connection required for persistent connections to the server. This type of connection allowed for few on few multiplayer gaming. The latest version of Flash Player has the needed power for massive multiplayer games there is no longer a bottleneck on the client side. Flash Player 1. 0 introduced peer to peer communication, which also opens up possibilities for multiplayer games. Industry leader views. Flash technologies have garnered recognition from numerous gaming industry leaders. Michael Gold, CEO of the multiplayer game studio Electrotank, says, With the ubiquity and performance of Flash Player, Flash is the de facto standard for browser based games. Omar Gonzalez, software architect at AlmerBlank, adds, The Flash Platform makes gaming even easier because of the clean separation of the logic and the easily updatable audiovisual assets. Its unlike any other game development toolset. This section covers the nuts and bolts of Flash technologies for games and the basics of video game theory. Tools and runtimes. Before building a Flash game, you need to understand the options available for building it. Specifically, youll want to have a firm grasp of which IDE, runtime, and server if any is right for each of your projects. The most straightforward way to get started is to use Flash Builder or Flash Professional to develop a single player game that is, one that does not need a real time multiplayer server that is published in the SWF file format and runs in Flash Player the runtime in your web browser.


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John Mayer ? Where The Light Is Dvd Download Free

var q johnmayer3fwherethelightisdvddownloadfreeBrand new JJ Cale T shirts are on sale now via the official store Available in sizes S XXXL. See here. RIP Tom Petty October 2. October 2, 2. 01. A huge loss. While Tom Petty and JJ Cale were label mates on Shelter Records they didnt really know each other well. Tom had a deep admiration for Cale, though, and would regularly play his songs in sound checks and during shows. In March of 2. 00. Tom came to Mc. Cabes in Santa Monica where Cale was doing a warm up show for his tour. Fellow Heartbreaker, Mike Campbell, and Tom had been invited to sit in. Cale asked Tom in the dressing room what song hed like to do and Tom said Id Like To Love You Baby And Keep My Other Baby Too. Cale said he hadnt played the song once since the day he recorded it about 3. So it was a treat to see Tom Petty teach JJ Cale his own song in the dressing room before going on stage. When Cale passed away, Tom recorded his version of Cales Old Man And Me and shared vocals with Eric Clapton on Cales I Got The Same Old Blues and Rock And Roll Records on Erics Tribute to Cale, The Breeze. Posted on JJ Cale Official Facebook page by Mike Kappus, JJ Cales long time manager and friend. A New Year, New JJ Cale Tees JJ Cales official merchandise store now has two new T shirt designs available. Check out the link below and order your new JJ Cale T shirt today Pre order Eric Clapton Live in San Diego with Special Guest JJ Cale on DVD and Blu ray. Out March 1. 0, 2. Eric Claptons Live In San Diego With Special Guest JJ Cale is set for release on DVD and Blu ray on March 1. The release coincides with the 1. Pay. One Center on March 1. The discography of American singersongwriter and guitarist John Mayer consists of seven studio albums, seven live albums, three compilation albums, two video albums. JJ Cale performed on five of his own songs as well as being featured on two bonus tracks with Eric Clapton and his band, which included Derek Trucks, Doyle Bramhall II and Steve Jordan. See here for DVD and Blu ray pre order information. Great News Eric Clapton Live in San Diego with Special Guest JJ Cale has just been announced for September 3. Recorded live on March 1. In addition to Anyway The Wind Blows, the record features Cale and Eric performing Cales After Midnight, Who Am I Telling You, Dont Cry Sister and Cocaine. Also featured on the album are Derek Trucks, Doyle Bramhall II, Robert Cray although not during Cale segment, Steve Jordan, Willie Weeks, Chris Stainton. Tim Carmon, Michelle John and Sharon White. Troubadour, 5, and Shades have been reissued in a three album set street date June 3rd, 2. The reissues coincide with the 4. Troubadour, which was originally released in 1. John Mayer ? Where The Light Is Dvd Download FreeCocaine and Travelin Light. The follow up album, 5, was released in 1. This album features Sensitive Kind, a later hit single for Santana when he covered it. In 1. 98. 1 Cale released Shades, which features such live favorites as Carry On and Mama Dont. This album also includes a whos who of renowned musicians Tommy Tedesco, Gordon Shryock, Reggie Young, James Burton, Bill Boatman, Johnny Christopher, Tommy Cogbill, Nick Rather, Emory Gordy Jr., Carol Kaye, Michael Rhodes, Jim Keltner, Christine Lakeland, Gary Allen, Hal Blaine, Hayword Bishop, Kenneth A. John Mayer ? Where The Light Is Dvd Download FreeButtrey, Karl Himmel, Russ Kunkel, Larry Bell, David Briggs, Leon Russell, Bill Payne, Glen D. Hardin, Bobby Emmons, Jimmy Karstein and Denis Solee. The three album set has been released in Europe and the rest of the World excluding USA, and can be ordered via Amazon Germany http goo. BFuh. Finally, Congratulations to Eric Clapton for hitting the top 1. US Billboard Chart with his latest studio album, I Still Do. Erics 2. 3rd studio album entered the chart at 6 and includes two covers of previously unreleased JJ Cale songs, Cant Let You Do It and Somebodys Knockin. JJ Cales After Midnight and Cocaine are both featured in Eric Claptons just released limited edition live LP box set collection. The collection includes four classic live albums from Claptons PolydorRSO label period 1. Derek And The Dominos In Concert, Eric Claptons Rainbow Concert, E. John Mayer ? Where The Light Is Dvd Download FreeC. Was Here, and Just One Night. The Live Album Collection is available now. On May 2. 0, Eric will release his new, and 2. I Still Do. The album sees Clapton reunited with producer Glyn Johns, a partnership first established nearly 4. Slowhand recording sessions. I Still Do follows on from 2. Eric Clapton Friends The Breeze, An Appreciation of JJ Cale, and features two JJ Cale penned songs Cant Let You Do It and Somebodys Knockin On My Door a nod to the enduring legacy of JJ Cales music and mutual respect between the two artists. The lead song off the forthcoming album is JJ Cales Cant Let You Do It and theres an official lyric video accompanying the songs release. I Still Do will be released via Claptons Bushbranch RecordsSurfdog and is available for pre order. JJ Cales official merchandise store is now offering 2. Included in the sale are the deluxe CD and LP box sets of The Breeze An Appreciation of JJ Cale by Eric Clapton Friends, and Call Me The Breeze apparel as well as a limited quantity of merchandise from JJ Cales final studio album Roll On. The sale will run throughout the Holidays. So head to JJ Cales official store hosted by Port Merchandise, select your merch and upon check out youll receive the holiday discount a perfect gift idea for any JJ Cale fan Enjoy and have a great holiday seasonThe Breeze Wins Downbeat Magazines 2. Readers Poll for Best Blues Album The Breeze An Appreciation of JJ Cale by Eric Clapton Friends has scored another recognition milestone, having previously won Vintage Guitar Magazines Readers Choice as Album of the Year for 2. Eric Clapton assembled an all star cast for his tribute to JJ Cale including John Mayer, Willie Nelson, Mark Knopfler, Tom Petty, Derek Trucks, David Lindley, Albert Lee, Reggie Young, Don White, Doyle Bramhall II, Don Preston, Christine Lakeland, Greg Leisz, Jim Keltner, Nathan East, Jimmy Markham, David Teegarden, Mickey Raphael, James Cruce, Jimmy Karstein, Jamie Oldaker, Michelle John, Sharon White, Simon Climie and Satnam S Ramgotra for the project. The box sets include JJ Cales original versions of all the songs covered by Eric and friends in the tribute. Eric also made the very creative extra nod to JJ Cale by starting the record off with a sample of Cales own count in to his original version of Call Me The Breeze from his debut album, Naturally. Erics video for the song was also perhaps the deepest tribute any one artist could pay to another. Once again sincere Thanks to Eric and thanks to all who have supported the Album. Get the most extensive unreleased Live Concert Music DVDs of all your favorite artists at RockinConcerts rock dvd, concert dvd, live dvd, rare dvd, bootlegs, live. Freescores. com because music is for all. For 17 years we provide a free and legal service for free sheet music. If you use and like Freescores. com, thank you to. The Breeze An Appreciation of JJ Cale by Eric Clapton apm Friends has just been honored as the 2. Album of The Year in Vintage Guitar magazines Readers Choice Awards. Over 4. 0 of the overall Album of The Year votes went to the Tribute to JJ Cale which also features John Mayer, Willie Nelson, Tom Petty whose own new CD, Hypnotic Eye ranked 2 with 2. Mark Knopfler, Derek Trucks, David Lindley, Albert Lee, Reggie Young, Don White, Doyle Bramhall II, Don Preston, Christine Lakeland, Greg Leisz, Jim Keltner, Nathan East, Jimmy Markham, David M. Teegarden Sr., Mickey Raphael, James Cruce, Jimmy Karstein, Jamie Oldaker, Michelle John, Sharon White, Simon Climie and Satnam S Ramgotra. Once again, our Deepest Gratitude to Eric Clapton for his extensive work and incredible dedication in creating such a timeless tribute to his friend, JJ Cale. John Mayer ? Where The Light Is Dvd Download Free


Installing Bow Mount Trolling Motor On Aluminum Boat

var q installingbowmounttrollingmotoronaluminumboatConverting Aluminum Boat to Bass Boat 7 Steps. Introduction Converting Aluminum Boat to Bass Boat. Installing Bow Mount Trolling Motor On Aluminum BoatInstalling Bow Mount Trolling Motor On Aluminum BoatI recently purchased a 1. Springcraft with EZ loader trailer from a local classified site for 5. I was happy with the overall solid shape of the both of them but did need some major reconstructive surgery to the boat.  I apologize for the lack of pictures taken during the construction process, I was not thinking of posting this as an Instructable until after I was done so if anyone has any questions about the construction process or how I completed something on the boat PM me I will answer you quickly as I can. Step 1 Overhaulling           The first step I did was tearing everything out of the boat that was in when I bought it. The floor was not secure, the so called deck was only held up by 2 upright 2 by 2s and foam insulation and the seats where falling off. Time to tear it apart I started by tearing out the old floorboards, removed the seats which are still new and cut out the center bench seat. You can tell in this picture the way it looked it wasnt suited for any real Bass anglers needs. Step 2 Front Casting Deck. In the first picture you can see I have already torn out the first casting deck that was quite shaky to say the least. It was covered in spray insulation and a big door in the middle waiting to become an accident. I had kept the floor in the first picture because it was going to be hidden and it was actually quite sturdy and nicely insulated. I cleaned the area with a grinder and wire cup to get all the access insulation off the bow. I the lower the deck from the previous spot 4 it was way to high, above the center of bouyancy I then leveled the boat and laid out for the cross bracing in the bow for the new casting deck. I attacked the 2 2 by 3s with stainless screws covered in marine silicone from the outside.  After the cross bracing I used big pieces of cardboard to make the profile I needed to cut out the new casting deck. Installing Bow Mount Trolling Motor On Aluminum BoatFrequently Asked Question FAQ How do I find and repair air leak on my inflatable boat What to do if inflatable boat compartments become soft over time What are the. View and Download Yamaha F350 owners manual online. F350 Outboard Motor pdf manual download. Installing a Lowrance HDI Skimmer Transducer and Lowrance HDI Trolling Motor Adapter on to the trolling motor in a doityourself tutorial featuring Brad. I then traced the profile on the new plywood the carpeted it before installing it. This way its easier and hides all edges. I then made a piece of wood to attach the trolling motor mount to, and also makes for a nice stow away for the anchor. I did cut out a 1. After the new deck was installed I bought a seat for 1. I made the seat stand out of bar already in my shop. I now have the front casting deck all done complete with foot control trolling motor, baitwell and Bass seat.  There is now plenty of storage under the casting deck where I also installed a small door to access the storage under the front deck. You can see the door from the floor step later Lots of room for life jackets, trolling motor battery oars etc. Step 3 Back Storage and Casting Deck, Livewell             The next step was the awful back of the boat. The gas tank was out in the open and the battery was laying out uncovered from the elements. I needed to close that mess in I started by attaching 2 by 4s across to make the shape I was looking for then attached them with the stainless screws and marine silicone. I closed it all in with 34 plywood and carpeted it.  There was a nice big opening underneath room for the battery and gas tank. I had I just new would come in handy for just this type of job. Inspired by the PVC KAYAK, I thought I could build one up making it differently with a simple design that I have used previously in a small 1. 5 foot boat which I. 50 of the best new products for the boating industry. For the fourth annual Boating Industry Top products list, weve selected 50 of the best new or updated. I made the hatch lift up so that it was easy to get at the gas tank and battery.  Next I added a livewell where I included a bilge pump to aerate the water within for longer lifespan of fish caught, This type of livewell is mandatory for live release tournaments. For this live well I used a coleman cooler, covered it with the indoor outdoor, and used a bit of wood to match it to the back seat area to make it look like a permanent fixture. I then drilled a small hole covered with marine silicone to seal it and ran positive and negative leads from the pump to the battery. As well  this livewell doubles as extra seating. Step 4 Floor Seating                 I tore out the pre existing center bench as I saw this as a tripping hazard and wanted a more open concept look. I know there are many forums about this topic and how someone shouldnt do this as it takes from the structural integrity of the boat. After digging for hours on the net reading post after post I came across a site filled with boat projects. Lots of men have done this before with the center seat as log as you replace it with something solid. Flooring After this I re installed the flooring in three sections, and fastened it down after slicing the foam from the old seats and placing under the new floor. This makes for better bouyancy and sound proofing. I choose to do the floor in 3 sections in case in the future there happens to be any need for replacement this would make it easier. The rod holders where originally mounted on the console to stand up right. I thought this was a bad idea so I installed them to the side of the boat so they would now lay down parallel to the floor. The seats that where in it where actually in great shape, I just had to re mount them back down and distribute weight evenly. One at the console, One at the back. Step 5 Console, GPS Underwater Camera     The steering console was an console from a run about retro fit to made work. It was actually a pretty good concept just had to be fixed up a bit. I re painted it black to match the grey carpet I installed. I also made 2 rectangular cutouts on the left side of the steering wheel. One is a 4 LCD from a back up camera for a vehicle. I also have 3 wireless spy cameras that all run off 9v batteries both receiver and camera run off 9v batteries to make them portable so one of these will work perfect for the underwater camera. This will be used to map out shoals, breaks, weed lines etc. It is also a great way to see how fish behave and their feeding patterns to give me an edge in an tournament. The 2nd is a small 2 by 4 LCD I bought from E bay to use with my Arduino. I have a GPS module that should have been here already that will be installed for LongitudeLatitude. This is also a great way to map out hotspots you find while fishing or fellow anglers have found. Lots of fishing forums share this info. I found a code on online that someone wrote especially for this type of need. I will keep the Arduino on board with me but I made it removable in case I do decide to use it for other projects. The windshield I found was quite large and unevenly cut. I used a 5 grinder with a zip cut disk to profile and downsize the windshield by about half. It looks much better now I am just going to tint it at a later date. I also mounted the fish finder on the new console as well. I also attached a piece of aluminum plate from the middle bench I polished with a 8. I then fixed it to the front of the console to the casting deck. I also installed a solid 2 by 3 to the back of the console horizontally so that it supports the weight of the casting deck. The casting deck is now nice and sturdy and now can be screwed down using 3 deck screws. Step 6 Tarp.               I had a few tarps laying around that where only used once before and are in perfect shape. I went to Walmart and bought 4 buttonsnap kits for around 1. I laid the tarps on top of the boat and overlapped them by 4s. I carefully went around where there was already snaps on the boat and marked out where the snaps where to go on the tarps one by one. I then installed snaps around the perimeter of the boat on the 2 tarps that I joined together to make one big tarp.


Hydronic Heating System Antifreeze

var q hydronicheatingsystemantifreezeRadiant Floor Heating PEX Piping Infloor Heat. HeatingHelp. com Bright Ideas List 314 31 Tips on How to Apply Antifreeze to a Hydronic Heating System, and How to Maintain it Afterwards During the week of. reinstalled antifreeze to hydronic heating boiler. so it will not freeze in cold weather. Underfloor heating and cooling is a form of central heating and cooling which achieves indoor climate control for thermal comfort using conduction, radiation and. Solar Water and Space Heating Components Pumps, Tanks, Heat Exchangers, Controllers. This section covers pumps, heat storage tanks, heat exchangers. Hydronic Heating System Antifreeze CostAre you looking for Radiant Floor Heating, PEX Piping and Infloor Heat and more Online Purchasing of Hydronic and Radiant Heating Systems and Supplies w Huge Trade. Updated The importance of neutralizing condensate produced by high efficiency gas fired appliances. Hydronic Heating System Antifreeze TestAntiFreeze in Hydronic Systems. The following discussion is based on information collected from chemical companies, equipment manufacturers, hydronic system design. Choose among the best radiant floor heating products in 2017. Radiant floor heating reviews and comparison. Buying guide and tips. Before the meeting I had been doing more research and on Amazon I stumbled across this 200 textbook called Modern Hydronic Heating by John Siegenthaler.